Do you know what the NC Medical Society is really up to in Raleigh?

You might be surprised.

The NC Medical Society operates a major PAC in North Carolina’s state legislature.

Last year, the NC Medical Society PAC spent more than $150,000 on campaign contributions to politicians in North Carolina’s state legislature. The large majority of those contributions go to Republicans.

That means the NC Medical Society PAC has donated tens of thousands of dollars – funded by your contributions – to radical-right politicians who are passing sweeping abortion bans, racist partisan gerrymanders, weakening North Carolina’s gun safety laws and defunding our schools.

Are these the values of North Carolina’s doctors, PAs and other healthcare professionals?

Are they yours?

NC REALTOR contributions to NC General Assembly members, 2021-2022 biennium (source: NCSBE)

Republican Senate Leader

Phil Berger

Republican House Majority Leader

John Bell

Republican House Speaker

Tim Moore

Plus 37 more of their extremist Republican colleagues received tens of thousands from the NC Medical Society PAC.

These politicians gave us…

Abortion ban

Abortion bans

Defunded classrooms

Defunding public schools


More partisan gerrymandering


Weakening gun laws

Is this what healthcare professionals want?

We don’t think so, either.

The NC Medical Society is a member-based organization, whose leadership is elected by the membership. That means your voice – and your support – really matters.

Tell the leaders of the NC Medical Society to stop funding radical right-wing extremism in our legislature:

Chip Baggett, CEO:

Alan Skipper, VP of External Affairs:

Hannah Rice, Manager of Political Fundraising:

Remember what Grandma said: honey catches more flies than vinegar. We ask that you be respectful and polite – but also firm – in your outreach to NCNA leaders.

And if the NCMS won’t pull their contributions to radical politicians, perhaps it’s time to pull your contributions to the NC Medical Association.

Remember: it’s your money. And the NCMS is your organization, too. With your help, the NCMS can reflect the values and dedication to patient wellbeing that healthcare professionals all hold. But only if healthcare workers themselves are informed, and speak up.