Pragmatic progress.

Carolina Forward is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit policy organization that advocates for ideas, policies and values to build a stronger North Carolina that works for all its people.

We believe in a more just, democratic and prosperous state that works for everyone – not just the ones with money and power.

What we believe

  • Carolina Forward believes in North Carolina’s future as a strong, diverse, multiracial democracy. We believe that attempts to curtail the people’s voice through gerrymandering, voter suppression and racial disenfranchisement are betrayals of American democracy.

  • We believe that first-class schools, affordable housing, universal healthcare, racial justice, environmental protection and a thriving economy are not tradeoffs. They are all mutually complementary and necessary for one another.

  • We believe that corporate money is unavoidably corrupting to the democratic process, and that it is too entrenched in North Carolina politics – in both parties.

  • We believe in reclaiming the language of morality in public policy. Expanding opportunity for all, investing in education, ensuring affordable access to essential healthcare and protecting our most vulnerable citizens are not just political imperatives. They are also moral ones.

Supported by thousands of North Carolinians, just like you.

    Annual Report 2023

    Laying the foundation for what comes next

    In 2023, we fought for North Carolina’s future. We’re excited to share more about what’s yet to come in this year’s annual report to supporters.